Applied Expeditions has a good understanding of the philosophy of the DofE Expedition Section. These principles are embodied in the 20 conditions and are listed below. We would be happy to give advice or answer further questions about these conditions and if a variation might be appropriate for your team.
DofE Expedition Conditions
- 1.* Your expedition must be by your own physical effort, without any motorised or outside assistance.
- 2. Your expedition must be unaccompanied and self-sufficient.
- 3. Your expeditions must be supervised by an adult who is able to accept responsibility for the safety of you and your team.
- 4. Your expedition must have an aim.
- 5. You must be properly equipped for your expedition.
- 6. You must have completed the required training and practice expeditions.
- 7. You must undertake at least one practice expedition at each level of the programme. You should do this in the same mode of travel and in a similar environment to the qualifying expedition.
- 8. You and your team must plan and organise your expedition.
- 9. You must be assessed be by an approved Assessor accredited by the DofE.
- 10.* There must be between four and seven people in your team (eight people may be in a team for modes of travel which are tandem).
- 11. You must be within the qualifying age of the DofE programme level.
- 12.* All the people in your team must be at the same level of assessment.
- 13.* Your team must not include anyone who has completed the same or higher level DofE expedition.
- 14. Your overnight accommodation should be camping.
- 15. Your expedition must be the minimum number of days required for your DofE level.
- 16. Your expedition should normally take place between the end of March and the end of October.
- 17. Your expedition should be in the recommended environment for your DofE level.
- 18. You must do the minimum hours of planned daily activity for your DofE level.
- 19. You should cook and eat a substantial meal each day.
- 20. You must create and deliver a presentation after your expedition to complete the section.
Don’t forget that all your team must meet these conditions!
If you or one of your team have individual needs that mean one or more of the above conditions cannot be met, then you can apply for a variation to these conditions to enable you or them to participate in their DofE expedition. Applied Expeditions will help advise you if this is the case.
* Variations to these four conditions must be submitted to the DofE Head Office as a variation request or an adventurous project and will only be considered in highly exceptional circumstances. Applied Expeditions will be happy to prepare the paperwork for essential variations. Please note that the DofE Head Office require applications for variations 12 weeks before the start of the proposed practice expedition.